Everyone wants to drive traffic to their website, but if that traffic doesn’t convert — whether that’s providing an email address, filling out a form, requesting a quote, or making a purchase — you’re not maximizing the value of a potential customer’s visit. The following are tips for getting your website visitors to take action.

1. Be sure your headline is engaging.

The headline (H1 tag) on a landing page or home page is vital. Write one that engages visitors to learn more. It is also important to the search engines, so include appropriate keywords.

2. Include a clear value proposition.

Tell potential buyers what’s special about your product or service. How is it better than similar products on the market?

3. Make sure conversion elements are visible without scrolling.

Always keep in mind the site’s appearance on mobile devices. Opt-in boxes, request-a-quote forms, and other conversion elements should be above the fold (visible without paging down) for optimal results.

4. Offer a refund policy.

Include a no-questions-asked refund policy on all purchases. This reduces the risk for a buyer, and increased sales will usually more than make up for returns.

5. Create dedicated landing pages for pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

If you’re using AdWords or other PPC ads, be sure to send these visitors to a dedicated landing page rather than your home page. Your ad should tell visitors exactly what they’ll find once they click through to your site. Landing pages also improve your ability to track results.

6. Incorporate strong calls to action.

Let your readers know exactly what you want them to do next, whether that’s click a button, read a blog post, or fill out a form. When writing calls to action, use language that spurs visitors to take action (for example, “buy now,” “reserve your seat,” or “request a quote”).

7. Provide a privacy statement.

Your privacy policy can impact your opt-in email conversions. Online studies show that changing the wording can result in large increases in conversion.

8. Focus on the benefits of your product or service.

Listing the features of your product is important, but it’s more important to tell potential customers exactly how your product or service will help them.

9. Include customer reviews.

Customer reviews can be extremely influential in helping people make purchase decisions.

10. Test variations of your call to action.

An “order now” or “get a quote now” button may perform differently depending on placement, color, and size. Test several variations to see which ones perform best.

11. Recommend alternate products.

Add links to related products to keep visitors engaged on your site.

12. Provide testimonials.

Testimonials offer social validation. Use them on product landing pages and on your email opt-in page.

13. Request as little as possible.

When asking for information in an opt-in form, ask for as little information as possible. The more questions, the less likely a visitor is to fill out the form.

14. Reduce the superlatives.

Most consumers are too savvy to fall for hype-based copywriting. Focus instead on writing clear, compelling copy that helps your visitors make a purchase decision. And remember relevant keywords for SEO.

15. Tell visitors what they’re going to get.

Provide visitors with everything they need to know about your product: What are the dimensions and weight? What are the features and benefits? What are the possible uses? Who will benefit most from it?

16. Add videos.

Include videos on landing pages and on websites to make the user experience more interactive and to help humanize your brand. Video allows a potential customer to see a product in action and get a better feel for your organization and its products and services.

17. Use high-quality images.

Using generic stock photos can send the wrong message about your brand. Use professional-quality photos of your store, plant, people, and products.

18. Offer payment options.

Not everyone uses PayPal. Offer a variety of payment methods to satisfy all potential customers.

19.Remove distractions.

When creating a landing page, remove anything that could distract your visitors, such as a navigation bar. Your landing page should be all about getting your visitors to take one specific action

20. Use pictures of happy people.

Pictures of smiling people tend to result in higher conversion rates.

21. Keep input fields optional.

If you must ask for numerous fields of information, keep as many as possible optional to increase the likelihood that visitors will complete the form. You can always ask for additional information later.

22. Use call-to-action buttons rather than links.

Buttons are more visible and clickable, particularly when viewed on mobile devices.

23. Offer online chat.

Consider adding live chat (even if only offered during your normal business hours) to help answer customers’ questions and alleviate concerns.

24. Include personnel photos.

Consider including photos of your management and customer service teams near your call to action. It can reduce the sense of risk by showing that there are real people behind the brand.

25. Limit the number of choices.

When presented with too many choices, a visitor may become overwhelmed and completely avoid a particular task or decision. When possible, be clear about who your product is for, or suggest a “most popular choice.”

26. Offer to price-match.

While most people likely won’t use this offer, it helps convey that your prices are competitive.

27. Include contact info.

Give your customers confidence in buying from you by including contact information in an accessible location. Also add a store or dealer locator to provide information about where a potential customer can purchase off-line.

28. Offer bonus discounts at checkout.

Consider offering free shipping or a percent-off discount to customers on their next purchase.

29. Don’t require registration to buy.

Instead of requiring users to complete a registration form to make a purchase, offer a one-time “express” checkout to minimize roadblocks.

30. Test, test, test.

What works for one website, audience, or niche may not work for another. A one-size-fits-all strategy rarely results in optimal conversion.

As a final note, according to research from Stanford University, over 46% of people say a website’s design is a major factor for deciding if a company is credible or not. So, it’s critical that your website looks professional. Whether or not your website is aesthetically pleasing also plays a big role in conversion.